[Coco] Lurking a while but now I have a questiion'

William Haywood firstsecondary at verizon.net
Tue Mar 4 14:56:26 EST 2014

 About the SuperIDE Cloud-9 can a a HDB-DOS DW save disk images from then drivewire server. onto the the super Ide partitions and then also DRIVE off for real floppy access ..  Or will I have to switch rom after loading it up?
 So I can disconnect the server abs run form Compact Flash drive. I would like to run RS-DOS programs on occasions. What I am really confused about is will the 8k rom be big enough tom do all of this.
 also I can’t get an email returned from Cloud-9my email adder is firstsecondary at v,erizon.net

Thanks for your time
 William Haywood
  KING of the crab people and pinchers of the human toes

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