[Coco] a not very important drivewire question

Robert Hermanek rhermanek at centurytel.net
Thu Jul 17 11:11:47 EDT 2014

I don't suppose anybody has a text file with the assembler output of 
HDB-DOS 1.1D DW3 COCO 3, so I could find the address of that #MAXDN-1 
below and poke a 255 in there instead...

On 7/16/2014 9:46 PM, Robert Gault wrote:
> * Select Device ID number
> DNUM           jsr       <$9F                Parse over "#"
> DSET05         jsr       LB70B               Evaluate argument
>                cmpb      #MAXDN-1            Legal?
>                bhi       FCERR               No, ?FC ERROR 

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