[Coco] NitrOS9 build errors

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Jan 20 17:57:36 EST 2014

On Monday 20 January 2014 17:46:45 Tormod Volden did opine:

> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 2:21 AM, Bob Devries wrote:
> > I applied the "-9" option to one of the makefiles, and it properly
> > sets the 96TPI bit, and the entry in index.html now shows the disk
> > image as being 96 TPI, Double Density, Double Sided; meaning that the
> > Toolshed OS9 ID command properly identifies the LSN0 DD.FMT setting.
> > 
> > Is there an easy (==fast) way to go through all the makefiles and
> > identify and insert the proper code?
> If all the _80* disk images are 96TPI it is as simple as updating
> OS9FORMAT_DS80 in rules.mak.
> Tormod

No, because the settings for an 80 track, 96 tpi 5.25 disk ARE different 
than for a 80 track, 135 tpi 3.5" disk even if both are an identical 720k 
in capacity.

In the former case the disk is _double_ track density, and the bit in 
offset $10 of LSN0 is set accordingly.  In the latter case, that 135 is the 
normal track density, in fact the only known track density for 3.5" disks, 
so that bit in offset $10 of LSN0 is not set.

So you cannot and must not use a common format for both disks even if the 
capacity is identical.

Cheers, Gene
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