[Coco] bad sysgo in nightly download?

Tim Fadden t.fadden at cox.net
Tue Jan 7 19:11:40 EST 2014

On 1/7/2014 4:57 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 January 2014 18:42:44 Tim Fadden did opine:
>> On 1/7/2014 2:39 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 07 January 2014 16:38:17 Tim Fadden did opine:
>>>> On 1/7/2014 12:47 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday 07 January 2014 14:39:03 Tim Fadden did opine:
>>>>>> Hi gang,
>>>>>> I downloaded the nightly build 2 days ago, and have been trying to
>>>>>> build custom boot floppy's  and dw images, without success.
>>>>>> I have narrowed it down that the files sysgo_dd and sysgo_h0 in the
>>>>>> nitros9 directory path are both bad, and much larger than working
>>>>>> sysgo's.
>>>>>> I have no way of compiling these.
>>>>>> Is it acceptable to use sysgo's from prior nitros images that are
>>>>>> known good?  I'm going to try, and expect it should work but.......
>>>>> Sysgo_dd is 483 bytes as built here, how big is yours?
>>>>> And size shouldn't be an issue since its a transient program that is
>>>>> executed once at bootup, and for size reasons, probably needn't be
>>>>> taking up room in the OS9Boot file, or in precious system ram.  It
>>>>> should load, execute, and go away.
>>>>> I would much rather believe that its failure is a bad descriptor for
>>>>> /h0 or /dd as the case might be. That would prevent its being found.
>>>>> Do you actually have your hard drive formatted and loaded with
>>>>> nitros9 already?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Coco mailing list
>>>>>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>>>>>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
>>>>> Cheers, Gene
>>>> Gene,
>>>> The sysgo from the nightly download is 511 bytes.
>>>> The reason I say it is bad is because ident say it is bad, and if I
>>>> use a previous sysgo, it works.
>>>> This had nothing to do with the hard drive , I was trying to use the
>>>> /dd. Also, all of this is concerning making boot floppy's.
>>>> How I caught on was that I was putting it into the os9boot file. When
>>>> booting from that image it failed with out of memory.
>>>> After some more studying etc.  I took it out of the os9boot file, and
>>>> on the /dd device.  still no go.  Then I did an ident on it , and
>>>> ident says BAD.
>>>> I then did Ident on the files on the nitros9 modules directory and
>>>> both the sysgo_dd and sysgo_h0 came up bad.
>>>> I have succsesfully created literally hundreds of boot floppy's
>>>> through the years, so not a complete neophyte.  :-)
>>>> This is the output from the sysgo that is on what I download from the
>>>> nightly link.
>>>> Header for:  SysGo
>>>> Module size: $01FF    #511
>>>> Module CRC:  $221288 (Bad)
>>>> Hdr parity:  $D4
>>>> Exec. off:   $00F1    #241
>>>> Data Size:   $00FC    #252
>>>> Edition:     $05      #5
>>>> Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $83
>>>> Prog mod, 6809 obj, re-en, R/O
>>>> Notice that it says (Bad).
>>>> If the nightly link on the sourceforge page is not a good image,
>>>> where is the best latest image?
>>>> I may still not have everything correct,  but I can only fix one
>>>> thing at a time as I figure it out.
>>>> This is a problem.  Whether it is my overall problem is of no
>>>> importance. Ident should run clean on the sysgo modules.  After that
>>>> is sorted out, then I can move on.
>>>> Seeing I don't have a way to compile the source code, I am at a dead
>>>> end. By the way. using a known good sysgo module from a previous
>>>> version works.
>>>> I brought this
>>>> Ain't computers fun!
>>>> Tim
>>>> p.s. when the sysgo issue is solved, I will start with the
>>>> superdriver/tc3 issue.  That does not work with the the nightly
>>>> download either.  Mark is also having problems with it, so it is not
>>>> just me doing something wrong.
>>> Humm, have you built that but used a known good descriptor?
>>> Cheers, Gene
>> Gene,
>> Please explain why you are stuck on the /dd desciptors.  I used the
>> /x0_dd descriptor with the release, and the scsi descriptor I made.
>> Neither of these work with the latest release.
>> The dw image DOES work. They both work just fine. I guess I could steal
>> the sysgo from that and fix the modules/ sysmod files myslef, but that
>> does not fix the issue for the distribution, just me.  They both work
>> just fine.
>> Why does the sysgo module fail ident?  this is not normal is it? All the
>> previous sysgo modules that I have pass an ident.
>> thx for the attention,  :-)
>> Tim
> I have not pulled the srcfrg repo in about a month.  And I have no clue
> what has been done, or by whom, since then.  My current pull worked just
> fine but I have configured all my rbf device descriptors and saved them out
> separately so I don't have to fight with reinventing all those wheels
> again.  So I would recommend that you back up, and booted to a good boot,
> save all your descriptors out to a directory on local storage, then modify
> your mb and .bl files to use the known good descriptors.  Ditto for the
> sysgo.  It could be even smaller than 483 bytes as that one has a
> development version, not for distribution message in it.
This is what I am/have been doing.  Just thought it would be nice to 
have all the latest stuff, and have a rev that worked.  Seems there are 
many files with the same rev name, but with different content! ha ha ha

> When I get the new salt chips and get one installed, I'll be back to work
> on that, but from what you are telling me, there is now a heck of a lot of
> breakage that will need fixed before I can even get back to having it make
> good descriptors again.
> I wish somebody would stick up a hand and tell us what they are doing.  My
> thoughts are to fix the breakages, no new bells and whistles for any reason
> until somebody can download a .dsk, and go straight to building an all
> floppy boot, with the drivers & descriptors for any HD setups they may
> have, that Just Works(TM) so all they have to do is dmode the hd descriptor
> and start using it.
Amen to that!  Now that I am retired I have more time on my hands to 
play with this stuff again. It would be good to have one person kind of 
in charge/leading the effort. That's a lot to ask for a hobby.

Hats off to the people that are trying to get it back in working order 
again, and hats off to them.  A few progress reports on the web site 
would be a good idea.  I know I see lots of chatter on the list, but 
things don't stick as well as it used to and it would be nice to go to a 
one place for the updates.

> Sadly, that does not appear to be the model whoever is working in the
> srcfrg repo has in mind.
>> --
>> Coco mailing list
>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
> Cheers, Gene

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