[Coco] Emulating a 1980 4K CoCo on PC

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Wed Dec 31 20:23:36 EST 2014

> On Dec 31, 2014, at 5:01 PM, Arthur Flexser <flexser at fiu.edu> wrote:
> Kip, a simple CLEAR 200,4096 (or maybe 4095) after startup should be all
> you need to have the equivalent of a 4K CoCo if you've removed the Extended
> Basic ROM.

I am updating the CoCopedia page for this with that note. I guess we should also see about a ROMtoRAM program for a 64K CoCo and what pokes could be done to make a CoCo 1/2 fire up without Extended BASIC. It wouldn't be 1.0 though. Did anything significant change that would effect programs? Like the issues between DECB 1.0 and 1.1?

I saw notes with Joel Hegberg's "Quest" game article (1989 Rainbow) that while his program would run on a CoCo 2, there was something about needing to save it in ASCII before loading it -- maybe some tokens changed between CoCo 3 (that he wrote it on) and CoCo 2 or something?

		-- Allen

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