[Coco] DriveWire 4 - Turbo Mode + ROM

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Sep 23 16:01:58 EDT 2013

On Monday 23 September 2013 15:57:36 Tormod Volden did opine:

> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 4:58 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > here, built from an hg clone in mid july.  No clue whats happened to
> > the main toolshed repo since though.
> Gene, use "hg log" to see changes, or click "History" on this page:
> http://sourceforge.net/p/toolshed/code/ci/default/tree/
> > According to the files on the above site, toolshed-2.0 hasn't been
> > touched since 2010/04/04...
> > 
> > Frankly I find that very hard to believe, bordering on incredible. 
> > What the (expletive deleted) is going on here?
> > 
> > So fess up folks, just where IS the CURRENT, uptodate  toolshed-2.0
> > repository?
> There is no "uptodate toolshed-2.0 repository". Toolshed 2.0 is a
> release (a few years old, but still the latest). The current code is
> in the hg repository and only there. It is about time to release a 2.1
> though... Or hide away the old ones.
> Tormod
Be sure & let us know when you do.  I have incorporated an hdbdos make in 
my script already.  I think my next project might be a clone from memory of 
a programmer I made for some Z-80 systems in 1981. ISTR I had maybe a $20 
bill in it at the time.

I really should be keeping up with the Jones's I guess. :)
> --
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Cheers, Gene
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