[Coco] Green mountain micro color burner

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Sat Sep 7 17:50:29 EDT 2013

I scanned in three manuals which were .25 a page, then the guy scanned them 
as one big PDF and not three separate ones, so I had to break the file up. 
My Laptop couldn't read the USB Drive, but my iMac could (just got it free 
on Freecycle! :) )

I've sent Kip and Dennis copies. Anyone else who wants a set should send me 
a PM.

Also, Whoever runs the archive site should drop me a line to tell me how to 
send these up.

Anyone who would like to help defray the cost of scanning can send me 
whatever they'd like via PayPal to my e-mail address. I'm not demanding 
anything to have done this, but being I'm on a fixed income, I'd appreciate 
some help.

- Al - 

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