[Coco] CoCoFEST! report help needed - map

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Wed May 1 12:15:46 EDT 2013

I am going to have a map in my Fest report, thanks to Linda Podraza giving me a copy of their layout diagram. But, some things were different once folks set up. Can someone with a better memory than I have tell me what I am missing or have in the wrong location?

This really needs to be in a non-proportional font :(

| Glenside  David              Bargeman  Sub-Etha StrongWare         |
| IDE       Keil               Research  Software                    |
|                                                            Dan     |
|                                                            Keller  |
|                                                                    |
| G                                                          O'Keefe |
| C                                                                  |
| C          Rowen   John-Mark LogiCall  CoCo Boot           Music   |
| C                   Mobley                                 Man     |
+----|  |------------------------------------------------|  |--------+

| Crislip Pitre Tech Cloud-9  Drivewire Griff-Art HawkSoft           |
|                             CC Coding                              |
|                                                             Nosko  |
| Chasteen                                                           |
|                                                                    |
| Frank                                                       John   |
| Pittel                                                     Linville|
|           Lost                Mark                                 |
|          Wizard    Weller    Martin                                |
+----|  |------------------------------------------------|  |--------+

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