[Coco] ack!

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Jun 3 18:12:38 EDT 2013

On Monday 03 June 2013 18:08:16 William Astle did opine:

> There was an issue about the ifp1 warning actually triggering like an
> error in some versions of lwasm. I can't remember when I fixed that.
> The difference between using --6309 and --6809 for lwasm has no impact
> on the nitros9 build because it doesn't change the actual environment
> any. The only difference --6309 makes is to enable the 6309
> instructions. Since the 6309 instructions are a proper superset of the
> 6809 instructions, this makes absolutely no difference to 6809-only
> code. (In fact, --6309 is the default if neither is specified modulo any
> bugs in option processing.) There's a define (-D/--define) that tells
> the source code which CPU to build for.

I'll check that, probably tomorrow or so, I bought me a color laser printer 
today, and the better half a combo vhs player/dvd recorder.  Now I need to 
find the Aussie flash for it, otherwise Dee won't be able to copy the 
copyrighted stuff she already owns several drawers full of.

FWIW, the Aussie machines can't legally shut down when playing an out of 
region dvd, so I'd assume they will also record a clean version.

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Cheers, Gene
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