[Coco] My New Kipper Computer and Cocopedia Update

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jul 27 14:44:04 EDT 2013

On Saturday 27 July 2013 14:25:03 Kip Koon did opine:

> Hi Guys!
> How has everyone been doing? I hope everyone is well and having a lot of
> fun with their Cocos!
> It has been a while since I last sent a message to the Coco List.  Man,
> have I been busy!
> For those who are interested.
> I have been doing a lot of experimenting with Eagle learning its many
> features.
> I have begun initial Schematic Entry and PCB Layout for a new 6x09 based
> computer called KIPPER.
> My Cocopedia web page
> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/User:Computerdoc

That is a great write up Kip.  And I can only argue about one point, which 
is in one of the later pix, showing the floppy controller installed in slot 
1 of the mpi.  There, the cart is not on the cables end connector, but has 
about 6 or 7 inches of cable hanging out over the front.

Granted, for most floppy applications the circuitry is slow enough that the 
echo's from the un-terminated end of the cable will be ignored, but the 
faster interfaces for ide/atapi, and particularly for scsi, thats an error 
generator par excellence because of the signal echo's that will create.

If you do not intend to ever use that cable's IDC connector on the end of 
it, I would slice that bit of cable off flush with the face of the 34 pin 
card edge connector you are using.  If its intended to be a universal 
cable, I'd remove the 34 pin card edge from where it is, to be re-installed 
only 2" from the other connector, which would get it close enough to the 
end that the echo's would only be a slight blurring of the signals edge 

I've not found any 3.5" drives that allow the 'terminations' to be 
independently controlled so as to emulate the idea that the last drive on 
the cable is the only one terminated.  Whether that could be a problem when 
3 DS drives are connected remains to be discovered.  It has not been a 
problem for me, and I'm playing mix-n-match here, with a 3.5" as drive 1.

One last comment, I am wondering if I could get the eagle files, run them 
through pcb2gcode, and make them on my cnc milling machine?  Its not fast, 
but a 4x4 footprint is well within its abilities.  But that way isn't going 
to plate the thru holes, although I would imagine that problem is solvable.
I haven't researched it to any great depth as what I have done so far was 
simple and I could solder both sides.

Thanks, a bunch!

> has been updated with the initial specifications as well as basic design
> for the Kipper Computer.
> Included is a list of Kipper compatible cards I plan to design for this
> computer many of which the initial Schematic Entry and PCB Layout is
> complete.
> I invite anyone who is interested building a 6x09 based computer of
> their own who never did to take a look at what I have done so far.
> Anyone who is interested in contributing to this design and development
> to reply also.
> I also invite positive comments and suggestions for improvements as well
> as other ideas.
> Other updates have been made as well as a slight redesign of the Table
> of Contents.
> Take care everyone and thanks a bunch for reading this far.
> Kip
> --
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco

Cheers, Gene
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