[Coco] Assemblers' Documentation

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 00:08:25 EST 2013

Hi William,

i found some bugs on lwasm when you make a bad syntax like:

leax #3,x

will cause segmentation fault (ouch!) and you don't even know which line is
the error.

Other problem I found it wont report any error with:

inca var

when you wanted:

inc var

Dunno if it generated a single inca ou some invalid bytes sequence.


Luis Felipe.

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 11:27 PM, William Astle <lost at l-w.ca> wrote:

> Howdy. The only complaint I'm going to make about your message is the lack
> of paragraphs made it hard to read. Enough complaining.
> I happen to be the creator of one assembler for the 6809/6309 which is
> part of lwtools (http://lwtools.projects.l-w.**ca/<http://lwtools.projects.l-w.ca/>).
> It generally accepts standard Motorola syntax with extras like allowing ";"
> to introduce comments (in addition to "*"). It happens to have a reasonably
> complete manual (available at the project's web site).
> You will probably find that most assemblers will accept mostly standard
> Motorola syntax often with extras.
> On 13-01-23 08:49 PM, Kip Koon wrote:
>> Hello Ya'll,
>> I need help to figure out the proper documentation for all the different
>> assemblers and cross-assemblers everyone is using as they relate to the
>> 6809
>> and the three Cocos.  The assemblers I know of are RMACxx, Mamou, C.ASM
>> (OS-9), ASM (OS9) RMA (OS-9) and I know there has to be many more which
>> I'm
>> not remembering right now.  I am confused as to which ones follow Motorola
>> guidelines.  I realize we all are from different backgrounds and I
>> definitely do not wish to step on anyone's toes as they say, but from
>> what I
>> can figure out, I think the ";" semicolons seem to be used in a lot in
>> Intel
>> assemblers which I see ";" used a lot in some of the 6809 assembly
>> language
>> source code files I've been perusing lately for the Coco, and
>> OS-9/NitrOS-9
>> and I really don't understand why.  I've used 6800 and 6809 assemblers
>> over
>> the years as well as 8080 and I've almost never used ";" semicolons in
>> assembler language source code for either the 6800 nor the 6809 processors
>> if ever.  I cannot find any documentation for the Mamou and RMACxx
>> assemblers and I'm assuming the C.ASM, ASM and RMA assemblers follow the
>> guidelines given in the old Motorola programming manuals, but I'm not
>> totally sure about that neither.  If I was learning to write Intel
>> Assembly
>> Language, I'd follow Intel's guidelines to the letter, but I'm programming
>> for Motorola's 6809 processor which I dearly love as I know you all do
>> also.
>> I have no problem adjusting assemblers to follow guidelines from other
>> processor manufacturers' assembly language guidelines as long as the
>> assemblers for the 6800 & 6809 which everyone likes to use, also follow
>> Motorola's guidelines to the letter as well.  I wish to do everything I
>> can
>> to help this group which I'm very glad I have found after over 30 years,
>> but
>> during the continuing development of my 6809 computer, I've found a lot of
>> 6809 source code for many different 6809 projects which uses punctuation
>> marks in 6809 assembly language source code in strange ways and I don't
>> know
>> which assembler or cross-assembler to use with which 6809 source code so I
>> can assemble the program successfully into binary machine language so I
>> can
>> enjoy using it all in my little 6809 computer.  Help!  I don't know if any
>> standard for 6809 assembly language source code programs is possible at
>> this
>> point in time,  especially since we have no support from the original
>> manufacturer, but with such a wonderful mix of programmers and their
>> backgrounds, I'd really like to see some type of 6809 standard definitely
>> incorporating Motorola's standards to be used among all the 6809 assembler
>> programs.  This would make things a lot easier.  I could be way off on
>> this
>> and if so I apologize, so please be kind as I have tried to be kind.  I
>> just
>> want to use some of this wonderful wealth of programs we all are sharing
>> with each other.  For any newbie coming to this list, all the mismatching
>> between 6809 assemblers with 6809 assembly source code can be quite
>> daunting.  Again, please be kind, because as I write this, I'm feeling
>> like
>> I'm going to really get it from someone which of course I hope I don't.
>>  So
>> Have a lot of fun 6809ing and Cocoing.  J  Be Happy!
>> Kip
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