[Coco] Does XC80652P = 6847 VDG?

Brendan Donahe brendan at polylith.com
Mon Dec 16 14:07:24 EST 2013

The XC80642P is an updated 6847 VDG with an integrated off-chip latch.  It
is also known as the 6847T1.  DiStefano (sp?) had a turn-of-the-screw
article on it.  The pinout differs from the 6847.

Hope this helps,

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Jim Harre <jim at tweech.com> wrote:

> I'm new to the CoCo, but not to 8-bit computers. After recently picking up
> a CoCo 2, I found Dennis Kitsz' last Custom Color column with a schematic
> for a composite video out circuit. With the circuit built on a piece of
> perf board, I opened up the CoCo 2 to hook it up to the 6847 VDG chip and
> ran into a problem.
> My CoCo doesn't have a 6847.
> Eliminating the other 40 pin chips left me with the XC80652P. A Google
> search let to a couple links - one said it is an updated 6847, another said
> it is an updated keyboard controller. Since it sits between the RF cage and
> the keyboard connector, I guess either is possible. So, before I solder in
> my composite adapter and possibly release the magic smoke, is the XC80652P
> an updated 6847 VDG?
> <*> Jim
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