[Coco] Ready Player One

Ronivon Costa ronivon.costa at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 15:53:51 EDT 2013

I think it must be great... just put my order for one...


On 21 August 2013 17:49, Mark McDougall <msmcdoug at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Apologies if this has been mentioned here before, but I'm OS on holidays and don't have access to my mailing list archives (and the online archives aren't searchable)...
> I've just finished reading "Ready Player One", a novel by Ernest Cline. I mention it because it might be particularly interesting to both coco and TRS-80 enthusiasts due to certain references in it, which actually play a significant role in the story.
> That aside, it's a decently entertaining holiday read for retro computer and retro gaming geeks.
> Would be interested to hear what others thought of it too!
> Sent from my ASUS Pad
> --
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