[Coco] toolshed os9 copy question

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Apr 24 01:14:06 EDT 2013

On Wednesday 24 April 2013 00:40:05 Steven Hirsch did opine:

> On Tue, 23 Apr 2013, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Tuesday 23 April 2013 09:44:26 Steven Hirsch did opine:
> >> $ mkdir /tmp/mymount
> >> 
> >> $ cocofuse somedisk.dsk /tmp/mymount
> >> 
> >> Where 'somedisk.dsk' is an image of an OS-9 diskette. If no obvious
> >> error messages, try:
> >> 
> >> $ cd /tmp/mymount
> >> 
> >> $ ls -al
> > 
> > Everything seemed good to here, but the ls command hangs forever.
> > Breakable with a ctrl-+c.  The disk I linked to is however a large
> > file I have been using as a scratch pad to move stuff to the coco
> > with, and is also currently mounted in drivewire as x0.
> You almost certainly do NOT want to do this with an image mounted in DW!
> Depending on the mode that DW uses to open the file, it could be
> reporting "busy" to the kernel when you try the cocofuse mount.
> What does this command tell you:
> $ mount
> and this:
> $ cat /proc/mounts
> ?
> It's possible that you have things wedged at this point.  Shutdown the
> DW server and see if the cocofuse application is hung in the
> background:
> $ ps axu | grep cocofuse
> If it is, plan on rebooting to clear it (yes, it is quite possible to
> wedge things on Linux - just takes an order-of-magnitude more work than
> certain operating systems from WA state.)  Then, when up again, try it
> on a conventionally-sized floppy image (anything that actually came
> from a floppy is fine) that is not currently under the sway of DW.
> Important:  I don't think you ever mentioned having a file server in
> your home network, but if so do not try to mount a file being accessed
> over NFS, Samba, etc.  That I can tell you from experience is
> problematic.
> Steve

As I said in the last message, I am going to see if I can fix the no 
server=crash in nitros9 next.  In the meantime, the local reddy kilowatt 
just demonstrated why I'm going to make a phone call tomorrow (actually 
today now) and confirm the $7800 bid I just got to put a nat gas fired, 
18kw automatic start Kohler powered (5 year warranty) generator installed.  
Clear sky, one or two cumulous whisps drifting past the stars, and it 
cycled four times, then stayed off 4 hours.

Power infrastructure is flat going to hell in the country, and another 
outage in hot weather that duplicates last summers 11 day outage might cost 
me Dee.  That day will come soon enough with her COPD, but somebody trying 
to run a multistate power system on the cheap doesn't need to help her 

Total power outages here in WV have exceeded 15 days/year for the last 3 
years now, with one of them 19 days straight.  They won't trim trees off 
the lines, replace aging gear or anything else.

The substation pole fuses at the old transmitter site have been blown so 
many times that blowing one does not shut the power off, the ceramic tubes 
that contain that fuse wire have had so many fuses vaporized in them that 
the tube itself is conductive, so it sits there and sizzles until the rest 
of the holder catches fire and starts dripping melted plastic fire in the 
grass.  Since we've no water main within half a mile of that mountaintop, 
we're out there stomping out the grass fire we've no water to fight it 
with.  We have flushed the toilets for nearly 50 years by catching the roof 
runoff in a 500 gallon cistern.  The line crews are not allowed to replace 
the melted and burned fuse holder assembly & didn't even have replacement 
fuse holder tubes in the bucket truck, just the fuse wires.  That lack of a 
$3 ceramic tube could have started a forest fire costing millions to put 
out.  They officially don't care.

I am NOT a happy camper for obvious reasons.  And cocofuse at this instant 
isn't a high priority.  Sorry Steve.

Cheers, Gene
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