[Coco] rebuild NitrOS9 with superIDE

Mark Marlette mmarlette at frontiernet.net
Mon Sep 24 09:49:42 EDT 2012

A few things....

1. Did you backed up your CF?
2. Did you create a floppy boot first, unmodified?
3. What are the error codes from NitrOS-9? It is telling you what is wrong.

It appears that you must have done some sort of .dsk creation as it appears the .bl is from the Cloud-9 directory of the modules dir.

If you don't have #2, you have NO way to get back to a NitrOS-9 boot on the CF.

You should have done your development on some other drive than 255...At least you could have gotten back into NOS to fix your boot problems.

Backup plan use your floppy boot with the CF descriptors and mount that way.

None of the above....Chicken / egg syndrome.



 From: Retro Canada <retrocanada76 at gmail.com>
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com> 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Coco] rebuild NitrOS9 with superIDE
I did it. It found the boot track, cleaned all tracks, etc but the boot fails.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Boisy G. Pitre <boisy at tee-boy.com> wrote:
> You need to run the "LINK.BAS" program to rejigger the LSN0 offset to point to the bootfile on drive 255.
> Boisy G. Pitre
> boisy at tee-boy.com
> On Sep 24, 2012, at 8:00 AM, Retro Canada <retrocanada76 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a superIDE and a floppy drive (FD-500). But I don't have a
>> multipak. I want to rebuild the NitrOS-9 Boot because the cloud-9
>> stock distro comes without any support to 32 columns and the drivers
>> needed to run Sierra games and others. So far I split the process in
>> two: first using drivewire with the FD-500 plugged and second plugging
>> the sIDE.
>> I stared generating a floppy through drivewire (copying the missing
>> CLOUD9 drivers into it) and using the bootlist as follows in this
>> email I generated a 35 track floppy using the following boot track:
>> format /d0 1 '35' "NitrOS-9 Boot" r
>> merge ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/rel_32 ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/boot_ide
>> ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/krn>bttemp
>> os9gen /d0 -t=bttemp<../BOOTLISTS/superdriver_ide.bl
>> And after using drivewire (with HDB-DOS translation) I can backup from
>> the generated floppy into a DSK image on PC and using SIDEWalk I can
>> copy this DSK in to the CF virtual drive 255. Then , plugging the sIDE
>> back I run LINK.BAS wich finds correctly the boot track and links the
>> disk.
>> But when booting from DOS 255, the NitrOS-9 Boot starts in 32-colunmn
>> mode but fails after reading all modules.
>> What could I be missing ? The floppy does contains an IDE boot track
>> and the modules file has the all ide support as well as the
>> .../CLOUD9/dd_ide_256mb_CFpart.dd There is only this DD module on it.
>> I managed to create a similar DW build in 32 columns (changin of
>> course to boot_dw) where I included all the ide support. So booting
>> from this drivewire distro I can use the sIDE and play all the Sierra
>> games on it but I wanto to change the installed CF boot too.
>> Am I missing something ? I use the 3.2.9 6809L2 and a 512K coco3.
>> Thanks,
>> Here comes the bootlists/superdriver_ide.bl:
>> * Kernel/System Section
>> *
>> * These modules are mandatory.
>> ../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp2
>> *../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp3_perr
>> *../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp4_regdump
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * CDF Section (HawkSoft)
>> *
>> *../MODULES/CDF/cdf.mn
>> *
>> * CDF descriptors - select as needed
>> * SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-6)
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc0.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc1.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc2.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc4.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc5.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc6.dd
>> * IDE descriptors (master/slave)
>> *../MODULES/CDF/ic0.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/ic1.dd
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * RBF Section
>> *
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rbf.mn
>> *
>> * DriveWire 3 driver
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rbdw3.dr
>> ../MODULES/RBF/dw3.sb
>> * DriveWire descriptors - select as needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddx0.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x0.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x1.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x2.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x3.dd
>> *
>> * SuperDriver Package (Cloud-9 product)
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rbsuper.dr
>> * Select Low level SCSI and/or IDE driver
>> ../MODULES/RBF/lltc3.dr
>> ../MODULES/RBF/llide.dr
>> * SuperDriver descriptors - select as needed
>> * TC^3 SCSI DD descriptor (ID 0)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/dds0_tc3.dd
>> * TC^3 SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-6)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s0_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s1_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s2_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s3_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s4_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s5_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s6_tc3.dd
>> * TC^3 SCSI HDB-DOS descriptor
>> ../MODULES/RBF/sh_tc3.dd
>> * IDE DD descriptor (Master)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddi0_ide.dd
>> * IDE descriptors (master/slave)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/i0_ide.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/i1_ide.dd
>> * IDE HDB-DOS descriptor
>> ../MODULES/RBF/ih_ide.dd
>> * Cloud-9 SuperDriver descriptors - select as needed
>> * SCSI Cloud-9 descriptors
>> *.../CLOUD9/dd_scsi_127mb_hdpart.dd
>> .../CLOUD9/s0_scsi_127mb_hdpart.dd
>> * IDE Cloud-9 descriptors
>> *.../CLOUD9/dd_ide_128mb_CFpart.dd
>> .../CLOUD9/dd_ide_256mb_CFpart.dd
>> *.../CLOUD9/i0_ide_128mb_CFpart.dd
>> *.../CLOUD9/i0_ide_256mb_CFpart.dd
>> *
>> * WD1773 floppy support for Tandy and compatible disk controllers
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rb1773.dr
>> * WD1773 floppy support for Disto Super Controller II
>> *../MODULES/RBF/rb1773_scii_ff74.dr
>> *../MODULES/RBF/rb1773_scii_ff58.dr
>> * Floppy device descriptors
>> * DD - default device - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_35s.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_80d.dd
>> * D0 - drive 0 - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d0_35s.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/d0_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d0_80d.dd
>> * D1 - drive 1 - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d1_35s.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/d1_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d1_80d.dd
>> * D2 - drive 2 - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d2_35s.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/d2_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d2_80d.dd
>> * D3 - drive 3 - choose if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d3_35s.dd
>> *
>> * RAMDisk driver
>> *../MODULES/RBF/rammer.dr
>> * RAMDisk descriptors - select as needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_8k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_96k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_128k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_192k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_8k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_96k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_128k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_192k.dd
>> * Memory device descriptor
>> *../MODULES/RBF/md.dd
>> ***************************************
>> * SCF Section
>> *
>> ../MODULES/SCF/scf.mn
>> *
>> * CoCo 3 I/O sub-drivers
>> * Keyboard modules: choose cc3 for CoCo 3 keyboard
>> ../MODULES/SCF/vtio.dr
>> ../MODULES/SCF/keydrv_cc3.sb
>> * Sound module: CoCo 3 built-in sound generator
>> ../MODULES/SCF/snddrv_cc3.sb
>> * Joystick modules: choose joy for hi-res joystick adapter or
>> * (M)icrosoft or (L)ogitech mouse using 6551 or 6552 ACIA
>> ../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_joy.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6551M.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6552M.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6551L.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6552L.sb
>> *
>> * CoGrf/CoWin subroutine module
>> * Use CoWin with Multi-Vue; use CoGrf
>> * for basic text and graphic window support..
>> * Select only one.
>> ../MODULES/SCF/cogrf.io
>> *../MODULES/SCF/cowin.io
>> *
>> * CoVDG I/O subroutine module
>> * Select one or both
>> *../MODULES/SCF/covdg.io
>> *../MODULES/SCF/covdg_small.io
>> *
>> * Select only one term descriptor
>> ../MODULES/SCF/term_vdg.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_win40.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_win80.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_scbbt.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_sc6551.dt
>> *
>> * Select as many window descriptors as needed
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w1.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w2.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w3.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w4.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w5.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w6.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w7.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w8.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w9.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w10.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w11.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w12.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w13.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w14.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w15.dw
>> *
>> * Select as many VDG window descriptors as needed
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v1.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v2.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v3.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v4.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v5.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v6.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v7.dw
>> *
>> * Serial port drivers
>> * CoCo Bit-Banger terminal port
>> *../MODULES/SCF/scbbt.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/t1_scbbt.dd
>> * 6551 ACIA
>> *../MODULES/SCF/sc6551.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/t2_sc6551.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/t3_sc6551.dd
>> * Tandy Modem Pak
>> *../MODULES/SCF/modpak.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/m1.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/m2.dd
>> *
>> * Printer drivers
>> * ../MODULES/SCF/scbbp.dr
>> * ../MODULES/SCF/p_scbbp.dd
>> *
>> * DriveWire 3 Printer drivers
>> ../MODULES/SCF/scdwp.dr
>> ../MODULES/SCF/p_scdwp.dd
>> *
>> * DriveWire Networking
>> *../MODULES/SCF/scdwn.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_scdwn.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n1_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n2_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n3_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n4_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n5_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n6_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n7_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n8_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n9_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n10_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n11_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n12_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n13_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n14_scdwn.dd
>> *
>> * VRN is a driver module used by certain games, including King's Quest III,
>> * Leisure Suit Larry and Flight Simulator II.  A /nil descriptor is also
>> * supported.
>> ../MODULES/SCF/vrn.dr
>> ../MODULES/SCF/vi.dd
>> ../MODULES/SCF/ftdd.dd
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * Pipe Section
>> *
>> * Pipes are a useful but optional part of a system.
>> ../MODULES/PIPE/pipeman.mn
>> ../MODULES/PIPE/piper.dr
>> ../MODULES/PIPE/pipe.dd
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * Clock Section
>> *
>> * Select one clock module depending upon your power line frequency
>> * (60Hz = USA/Canada; 50Hz = Europe, Australia)
>> ../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock_60hz
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock_50hz
>> * Select one clock2 module that supports your real-time clock, if any.
>> * Besides support for the internal software clock, the following
>> * hardware clocks are supported: Burke & Burke, Disto 2-N-1, Disto 4-N-1,
>> * Eliminator, Harris, SmartWatch, Cloud-9 (SuperIDE), the MESS emulator, Jeff
>> * Vavasour's CoCo emulator and DriveWire
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_soft
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_bnb
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_disto2
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_disto4
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_elim
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_harris
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_smart
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_jvemu
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_messemu
>> ../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_cloud9
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_dw3
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * System Kick-Start Module
>> *
>> * Choose which startup module you wish to use. (sysgo_dd is recommended
>> * for most configurations.)
>> *
>> * Alternatively, this module can reside in the root directory of the
>> * boot device, saving precious system RAM.
>> *../MODULES/SYSMODS/sysgo_dd
>> *../MODULES/SYSMODS/sysgo_h0
>> --
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>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
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