[Coco] Connecting up a cassette recorder (Followup)

Chad H chadbh74 at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 17 22:59:19 EDT 2012

Ok, so I acquired the 10 ft MIDI cable on E-Bay.  It had good gold-looking
connectors on both ends, I just needed to cut it in half to make 2 cassette
cables out of it.  I discovered it had 4 good insulated wires in addition to
the 5th conductor: the braided shielding/ground.  It was perfect!  I only
made the first one today, I bought the last 2 3.2mm mono plugs they had.
Have to wait a few days till they get a shipment to complete the other
cable.  Maybe I'll sell one or include it with the CoCo 2 I'm thinking of
putting up for sell.


- Chad

-----Original Message-----
From: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On
Behalf Of Bruce W. Calkins
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 2:45 PM
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [Coco] Connecting up a cassette recorder

That looks like the correct DIN plug.
Also old AT/XT keyboards use the correct plug too.

Bruce W.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chad H"

> I've built a spare one of these before, but I don't think Radio Shack 
> still carries the 5-pin DIN connector.  Someone please correct me if 
> I'm wrong, but isn't it identical to the 5-pin DIN on MIDI music 
> cable?
> Here's what I'm talking about... http://www.ebay.com/itm/200721362987
> I've thought about buying this and cutting it in half and attaching 
> the mono plugs, making 2 x 5ft cables out of it.
> - Chad

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