[Coco] RadioShack returns...

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Dec 19 22:42:17 EST 2012

On Wednesday 19 December 2012 22:35:07 Allen Huffman did opine:

> On Dec 19, 2012, at 8:36 PM, Bill Loguidice <bill at armchairarcade.com> 
> > You know, the return of the CoCo would never fly,
> We say that, but look at the demand for the Raspberry Pi, which isn't a
> consumer friendly "usable" computer. Ditto on the Arduinos. Any such
> computer would likely be something like an Arduino but in a case, with
> power supply, and support for video and sound. There certainly seems to
> be a niche for low cost computing that isn't a full Mac/PC or tablet
> type device.
> > but certainly something
> > like an MCC-216, a low-cost programmable FPGA device, probably would,
> > especially since it both encourages a type of hacking and is something
> > that could be sold as a straight up product for non-casual consumers.
> > The MCC-216, for example, presently runs ZX Spectrum, C-64, Amiga,
> > Apple II, and Atari 2600 cores. No reason we couldn't eventually have
> > CoCo family cores created at some point...
> And something like that is probably precisely what would fit with
> RadioShack, if it could be done affordably. They could launch it with
> emulation layers to act like all the old RadioShack computers, and tie
> it in to an anniversary ;-)
I am looking for the BeagleBone, the whole kit as my next 'little' 
computer. Unforch, the lady with the pink hair is out of them ATM.  One of 
the guys on the LinuxCNC list has one already running not only the linux it 
comes with, but is also exercising one of his milling machines via some 
Mesa interface stuff.  It is something that at first glance looks like an 
arduino, but its processor is the bigger arm, running at 2.2 Ghz IIRC.

> Allen Huffman - PO Box 22031 - Clive IA 50325 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT
> only) Sent from my MacBook.
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Cheers, Gene
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