[Coco] Have no idea what to call it, but, it WAS New tool: WIRED

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Dec 4 13:50:59 EST 2012

On Tuesday 04 December 2012 13:37:27 Luis Antoniosi did opine:

> Yes, You you should boot from your RGB-DOS mode and run it from a
> virtual drive. Then run"wired".
> Your DW4 server must be in HDB-DOS emulation mode maybe ?
Confirmed, it must be checked on

> I could make it to work with HDB-DOS and DISK BASIC 2.1 but I don't
> have RGB-DOS to test it.
> Try  runm"HDBDOSC3.BIN" it will boot in DW C3 mode. Check if you can
> access your DW this way doing a DIR 0 for instance.

And that works.  One last question, understanding that my rsdos experience 
is limited since I've been running os9 since '85 or so, where do the 
switches take place between dw access and hdb-dos access, the usual drive3 
is still dw, but drive4 is then an hdb-dos vdisk/file from the hard drive?

It may be that when I ran wired.bas, I did get the proper response but did 
not have dw's server set for hdb-dos translation mode.  It needs a page of 
docs to explain some of these "gotchas'. ;)

However, once explained, it seems to work, and will certainly be a valuable 
tool in our toolbox.

Thank you very much Luis.

Cheers, Gene
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