[Coco] XLISP!!!!!

Manny manney at gmail.com
Sat May 28 03:18:41 EDT 2011

On Saturday, May 28, 2011 02:34:40 AM Willard Goosey wrote:
> On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 11:13:51AM +1000, Mark McDougall wrote:
> > LISP was around long before the term object-oriented was fashionable.
> > AFAIK vanilla LISP is not object-oriented, but there exists an extension
> > (CLOS) that facilitates object-oriented programming in LISP.

CLOS is for Common Lisp.  Other dialects have it built in, etc.

> The XLISP guy is still around and still doing XLISP.  www.xlisper.org

I'm only seeing http://www.xlisper.com.  Is it a typo?  Also XLISP looks like 
it's a Scheme, which is a LISP.  But if you say that to a Schemer, you'll 
probably get hit...  :)
On a side note from the .com page, anyone know what BOB is other than a 
deceased Microsoft monstrosity?


> And you're right, LISP predates the whole OOP thing.
> > No doubt like yourself, my LISP is limited to a single CS assignment.
> Just about. I've done a little EMACS-LISP but that's not really that
> portable to other LISPs.
> > I implemented my assignment in uLISP (mu-LISP) under CP/M on my TRS-80
> > Model 4P. Back then I was pretty chuffed whenever I could do *any*
> > assignment on my own machine at home, rather than use the computer labs!
> Heh, I bet.  Computer labs suck.
> Willard

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