[Coco] CoCo Video Player

brian palmer tigers2roar at yahoo.com.au
Fri Mar 18 22:36:44 EDT 2011

Ok time this was dropped. We all agree the coco 3 is limited by hardware, At least we all know it can do things if the right person is behind the software to drive it to doing something never imagined.
 This all started because a lot off you people in here worship a former programmer on the coco's in this mailing list. And this same person tried the same tactics off trying to stop others in Rogers' website from even attempting Hardware Mods or software approaches to adding new Technology on the coco 3's or coco 2's. That's why I am glad after he had his hissy fit he never came back to Rogers' website. Be honest it has been great since.
 I say to those in the coco community do what you please, It's the love off the coco's that matters most not peoples opinions. I have met some awesome people in the coco family and consider them great mates. 
 Like in the Atari forum always someone bringing up debates about computers against computers, Like I say who cares. It's the love off the 8bit era in computers that counts not what you have or how much better it is. Even guys in the Atari forum are taking notice off the coco 3 and how crippled it was made from day 1, But how much potential it has untapped in it. And the way it is able to adapt to modern technology and how it has improved the potential for better looking games and graphic viewers etc.
 I will give John credit where credit is due, He did something with the new info and technology with the artifact colors on the coco 3, He did not talk about it he just went out and did it.
 Same thing Sock Master did with his Donkey Kong port, Only 1 person knew what he was doing and that was Nick. If he said what his intentions were I honestly believe people in here would have said it was impossible, Nothing is impossible if you have work around ideas and ways to implement them.
 So how about the wannabe do gooders in here keep your opinions too yourself and just let people enjoy the hobby. Or even better how about you put your money where your mouth is and do something instead off I am Gonna do it. I'm Glad there is people like Cloud-9 and Roger and others who still have fantastic ideas and want to push the coco 3 even further.
>From day 1, I came back to the coco community and told everyone I am going to build up the biggest coco software game collection on the NET and guess what I did just that!!! You would be amazed how many people contact me wanting to find a lost game title from their youth etc and 95% off the time I can guarantee them I most likely have it in my collection. When it comes to the coco 1,2 or 3 when I say I am going to do something I just go out and do it. If I had listened to people who said it is not right or can't be done, the community would be still missing so much titles. LOL guess what I am thinking off doing now,  Application collection now as I have so much Apps with Docs etc. All because I am passionate about the coco computers.
 Steve I do believe my last reply to your comments regarding myself may have been blocked from coming thru here, Because Some off the old fuddy duddies in here worship your over rated backside, Guess what I don't, guess that is the Australian in me coming out. You want to earn my respect and countless others in here start acting like another coco user and stop trying to be the power in the coco community, Let you on a secret mate, It is guys like Roger and Boisy and Mark in Cloud-9 that kept this coco community alive. makes me and others wonder if you will ever just release the Last Ninja stuff you have, But I guess you won't because you never wrote it so it is inferior to your software.


Briza still loving the coco and using even today!!!!!!!!


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