[Coco] Strange behavior in MESS

T. Franklin tim at franklinlabs.com
Wed Jul 6 22:48:07 EDT 2011

WOW Did that e-mail get MESSed up (pun intended). Let's clean it up so we all can read it. I don't know what happened.

Hey all,

Has anyone ever seen this before? I'm writing a game in assemblers using MESS to debug. I made a small function to set all the palette registers to black (screen blanking). In mess, it seemed the CPU (emulation) was locking up. It wasn't. So, I wrote a test program in basic and something strange is happening

10 FOR X=0 TO 15
20 POKE &HFFB0+X,0

I run the program and all is well. The screen goes to black. I blindly type RGB and everything returns as expected. Run the program again and BLAM!! It appears to lock up. But, it's not. You blindly type anything (CLS then "Junk" then ENTER). The screen doesn't show anything but the original RUN command. Blindly type RGB and the locked up screen goes away and the screen with the CLS and "Junk" displays.

Can anyone duplicate this or is it just me?

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