[Coco] COCO 2 to VGA

Robert Hermanek rhermanek at centurytel.net
Mon Dec 5 15:29:37 EST 2011

I'll post a few thoughts here since I've asked this question enough times 

A stock coco2 only has an RF (tv) output on it, and I believe there is no 
simple converter style component out there that would get that signal onto a 
VGA monitor.  That being said, there are lots of thoughts out there on how 
to create a composite output for a coco2.  If a coco2 has composite out (the 
coco3 already has a composite out) then there are lots of cheap converter 
boxes that can convert the composite signal to either s-video or VGA.  But 
from what I understand, the process of building the composite out is pretty 
involved if you want the artifacting colors to show up.

The last coco output that has nothing to do with your question is the RGB 
output on the coco3, for which the consensus I think is that the Roy Justus 
converter box is the best (I have one, and it's great.)

The easiest thing you could do is get on a site like NewEgg and buy a cheap 
small LCD TV for about $100 bucks that still includes an *analog* tuner.  If 
you find such a beast, set it to channel 3 or 4 and you're off to the races.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis Ciotti" <lciotti1 at gmail.com>
To: <Coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: [Coco] COCO 2 to VGA

> OK so this has probably been ask like a million times, but is there a way
> to connect a COCO 2 to a VGA monitor?
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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