[Coco] GIME behavior

Darren A mechacoco at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 20:18:42 EDT 2011

On 4/13/11, Mark Marlette  wrote:
> I am going to disagree with you and clearly change my original position..
> Here is a snipet of code from one of our products, not released and this
> works.....
>          lda   $FF90	   ; get CoCo 3 INT0 register
>          ldb   MMUReg      ; and MMU bank register
>          pshs  d           ; save for later
> To read these registers, I believe you have to be in the correct mode.


What mode would that be?  And if I have to change $FF90 to get into
that mode, then it would be useless.

I know the MMU bank registers are readable, but I've not been able to
read $FF90.  Under normal ECB operation $FF90 contains $CC but no
method I've tried will return that.

Are you sure you haven't just been lucky with your code thus far?


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