[Coco] cococoding.com

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 01:32:58 EDT 2010

I've added lots of magazines and newsletters to the manuals and books
at the CoCo Coding site: http://cococoding.com

These are PDFs from malted media and other sources, I've run through
clearscan OCR and cleaned them up a bit.  Most are 10-20% of the
original scanned size and easier to read.

The nice thing about putting them on cococoding.com is that the site
is powered by Google Docs.  This means you can view the manuals and
magazines online without having to download them (you can still
download them if you prefer).   Even nicer is that Google Docs indexes
the contents of all these PDFs, and since I've OCRed them, you can do
a search for any term or phrase and find every magazine or manual that
contains it.  Just type something into the little search box at the
top of the page.  I hope this makes finding articles on specific
topics very easy.

I'll continue to add more, some are taking a long time to process.  So
far I've got all of the 68 Micro Journal up (but not all OCRed), some
of the Rainbow, all of the Australian and Bellingham users group
newsletters and a few others.

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