[Coco] off-topic: Home made TTL CPU

Jorge Renato Machin Ibarra jorge_machin at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 16 16:26:17 EDT 2009


I made a video of my (educational) home built processor (CPU):


The specifications are:

- 35 ICs
- 8 bits
- 2K ROM
- 1K RAM

1 - Acumulator (8 bits)
1- Index Register ( 4 bits )
1- Program Counter (12 bits)
1 - Instruction register (8 bits)
1 - Data register ( 8 bits )
2 - 4 bits ALU

The ALU and the control logic are EPROM based. In the youtube video you can see it running a test program ( A simple logical left shift ):

00:0000 01 AA LD A, #AA

00:0002 84 77 SUB A, #77

00:0004 00    NOP

00:0005 02 03 LD IX, #03

00:0007 06 00 LD IX:$00,A

00:0009 80    NOT A

00:000A 31    OUT 1, A

00:000B 81    LROT A

00:000C 0B 0A JMP $0A

I posted this here  because there are some hardware guys here :)

Jorge Machin
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