[Coco] FD-502 drive

J.P. Samson jps.subscriptions at gmail.com
Sun May 10 19:02:34 EDT 2009

On May 10, 2009, at 4:11 PM, Tony wrote:
> Unless they made different '502 drives, mine do not have a 3.5"  
> style connector.
> They're more akin to the old-school audio connector on mainboards/ 
> sounds boards, to connect to, say, a CDROM
> drive. the pins are much shorted, and plug straight down into the  
> drive, near the back.

No, you are right, they aren't quite the same.  But I successfully  
plugged in a 3-1/2" drive using the existing power connector in the  
FD-502.  It's a tight squeeze since the pin sizes are different, but  
the spacing and layout is the same, so it works.

-- JP

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