[Coco] Docs from the NitrOS9 Project

Diego Barizo diegoba at adinet.com.uy
Tue Mar 24 22:14:44 EDT 2009

Bruce W. Calkins wrote:
>> Has anyone been able to download the " NitrOS-9 Command reference"
>> from http://www.nitros9.org/documents.html? It would be a great help to
>> us "dummy noobs"
> It is not a file, but rather a web site with links to discriptions of 
> some of the commands. There is not much there to download.
> Bruce W.
> -- 
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
That reference is a wiki I started a while ago. The idea is to add 
detailed information about every NitrOS-9 command, including some 
parameters and options that are not listed in any other references I 
found (except in NitrOS-9 own help)
If anyone could contribute, that would benefit the whole community.

Also, if any of you knows of any document, file, or link that could be 
included in www.nitros9.org, let me know.


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