[Coco] How to edit

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sat Mar 21 06:11:21 EDT 2009

Bill wrote:
> I'm trying to edit the standard.bl and dw3.bl, but for the life of me, I
> cannot get the editing commands straight. I can move any number of lines
> forward or backward, delete any number of lines, but cannot figure out how
> to insert ONE character into a line, or delete one character from a line.

I presume since you have not said, that you are using the only editor 
that comes with the NitrOS-9 distribution, Edit. It works but is a pain 
in the you know what to use.

All commands require completion with [ENTER]

Change part of the current line.
  c/xyz/wxyz/               will add the W
  c/wxyz/xyz/               will delete the W

Ln   display n lines from the current pointer position
Xn   display n lines prior to the current pointer position

[Clear]7       moves to beginning of buffer
/              moves past end of buffer
[ENTER]        moves to next line and displays it
+n             moves n lines forward
+*             moves to end of buffer
-n             moves n lines backward
-*             moves to beginning of buffer
+0             moves to end of line
-0             moves to beginning of line
 >n             moves right n characters
 >*             moves to end of line
<n             moves left n characters
<*             moves to beginning of line

[SPACE]text    inserts line before current position
In/m/          inserts n copies of text m
Dn             deletes n lines from current position
D*             deletes all lines from curent position
Kn             deletes n characters
En str         extend n lines with string str
U              deletes the remainder of the line

S/str/         search for string str
Sn/str/        search for the nth string
S*/str/        search for the last instance of string
Cn/str1/str2   change n occurrences
C*/str1/str2   change all
An             force search/change to column n   for next command only
Tn             moves to column n

.shell command    execute OS-9 command
Mn             adjusts size of buffer to n bytes
.size          displays size of buffer
Q              quit and save
V0             turn off verify mode
Vn             turn on verify mode where n<>0

There are many commands for multiple edit buffers, conditional commands, 
  and macros, too many to list.
Check ftp://maltedmedia.com/coco/ to see if the manual has been posted.

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