[Coco] POLL: multiple message problem

Bob Devries devries.bob at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 18:26:04 EST 2009

I have no problems with duplicate messages.

I'm on ADSL with www.itel.com.au (iTel Community Telco, Ipswich, Australia)

I'm using gmail, but use their POP3 email service

I'm using Outlook Express 6

I'm only subscribed to coco at maltedmedia since it echoes the messages from 
the Yahoo coco groups.

Regards, Bob Devries, Dalby, Queensland, Australia

Isaiah 50:4 The sovereign Lord has given me
the capacity to be his spokesman,
so that I know how to help the weary.

website: http://www.home.gil.com.au/~bdevasl
my blog: http://bdevries.invigorated.org/

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Barnes" <da3m0n_slay3r at yahoo.com>
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Coco] POLL: multiple message problem

Ok, I think we shoulf figure out here, who all has the multiple-copies 
problem: In doing so, can we identify our ISP and email service? With this 
data, we can see what is affected, and to what extent. (is is just an ISP, 
is it a specific email system? is it some link along the way?)I'll 
start.multiples problem: YES ISP: Cox eMail System: Yahoonow just need 
someone to keep track of it all, preferably someone who isn't caught in a 
multiples problem, any volunteers? It would be good to know this as we all 
can agree, it gets annoying and fills our inboxes way faster than normal, 
and needs to be fixed. I wanna read about and contribute to the CoCo, NOT 
get bogged down in multiples.
-Later! -WB- -- BABIC Computer Consulting.

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