[Coco] 128k Bubble Memory

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue Jul 28 01:09:17 EDT 2009

On Tuesday 28 July 2009, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>Rumor has it that Gene Heskett may have mentioned these words:
>>There ARE other choices Roger, chief among them being linux.
>Oh, I know linux.... I *really* know linux. Since kernel version 1.2.13! My
>"Linux From Scratch" registration number is 9350. ;-)
>>  Todays os-9.  and its free to boot.
>Try as I might, I can't get Linux to fit in 64K... ;-)
>>Or better yet, dl a copy of mandriva-2009.1 and install that.  I'll
>>be using it instead of fedora 10 here.
>Oh, I dropped RedHat when they went to the whole "Fedora" fiasco. 9.0 was
>my last version of that. Last time I tried Mandrake (yea, it was Mandrake)
>it was considered the most unsecure Linux distro *ever*. (Times may have
>changed, but I'm a stubborn old coot!) Caldera was awesome back at version
>2.3, but that was a decade ago now they're just another SCO embarrassment.
>Debian was just *too darned huge*, Slackware and Puppy are just *too darned
>small* other than specialty usage. I had a little fun with DSL... and
>Sabayon never seemed "quite finished" to me. Novell has now officially
>boned SuSE (which the wife & her uncle still run 9.2pro on their
>desktops... it refuses to break ---  complete with OpenOffice 1.1, to give
>you an idea of their vintage. Wifey's Uncle upgraded from Windows 3.1 to
>that instead of XP; he figured if he had to relearn something anyway, it
>might as well be stable & free), and too many bouts of "Why'd they call it
>*that*" to consider the *BSD's and not enough free time to change that
>For the last couple years, my "install it and forget it" (like many others
>across this marble) is Ubuntu -- Yea, I'm rarely a "me too" kinda guy
>(obviously) but hey -- it "just works" for me when I don't have time for
>LFS. I have a Mythbuntu installation on my rebuilt TiVo-like box, and the
>wifey's got it on her new laptop, which booted Vista exactly once...
>because I didn't hit F8 in time to boot from CD. ;-) I have 3 servers
>running Ubuntu Server LTS, and still have one old server running LFS.
>I may purchase Win7 because I can get the 1/2 price upgrade from my old
>Fujitsu lappity-toppity-box before the test OpenFiler install, and the fact
>I know close to nothing about Vista means I'm "really behind the times" in
>the Winders world.
>Holy crap, I ramble too much sometimes. 8->
>Anyway, y'all have a good nite, and ping m100 at list.30below.com to see if
>anyone there has one of the bubble memory units for the Model 100.
>[[ Had to bring it back ontopic somehow... ;-) ]]

Chuckle, I can grok all that Roger.  I did have an xp install here for about 3 
years, bought it with the lappy.  But when I put mandriva-2009.1 on it, I let 
it use the xp partition too since I'd only used it 4 or 5 times.  With an hour 
to play with the new install, I packed it & headed for Iron Mountain MI, 
unpacked it and booted it, and even the radio in it just worked, I didn't even 
have to borrow one from the motel & plug a cat5 into it.

Mandriva has come a long ways since it was Mandrake.  I was very pleasantly 

>Roger "Merch" Merchberger
>Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Profile, don't speculate."
>SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers |     Daniel J. Bernstein
>zmerch at 30below.com          |
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Cheers, Gene
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