[Coco] 128k Bubble Memory

Roger Merchberger zmerch-coco at 30below.com
Mon Jul 27 23:55:30 EDT 2009

Rumor has it that Dennis Bathory-Kitsz may have mentioned these words:
>At 08:00 AM 7/26/2009, you wrote:
>>Doing some GOOGLEing yesterday, there is some interesting work being done
>>with bubble logics.

Don't forget, there was a commercial product for the Tandy Model 100 
system... I believe a few people on the M100 listserv have them.

Rick Hanson over at www.club100.org would know of the units...

>>   The thing I thought most funny was the units had to be
>>"heated" up to 30-40 degrees C just to operate properly.  Where would we be
>>today if all our computers doubled as a hot plate, and liked it<g>.

With needing heat sinks, special greases in between thereof, & whatnot... 
they're not??? ;-)

(BTW, there was a project to feed 12V to a bunch of Cyrix 6x86 CPUs to 
actually turn it *into a hotplate* to cook eggs!)


>  -- I think "Learning the 6809" topped the list at about 500 copies.

I wish I could have afforded to be #501... :-(

>  (Taking stuff to the dump yesterday brought a big sense of years lost to 
> technology that would quickly become obsolete.)

Well, after retyping this line 4 times... nothing seemed appropriate... all 
I can say is "I feel your pain."

Take care,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger  --  SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
  _±±_                          zmerch at 30below.com
(©||®)  If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
  _)(_   disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

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