[Coco] [Color Computer] country blocked

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Jul 18 23:29:59 EDT 2009

On Saturday 18 July 2009, Dave Kelly wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>   My router alone is dropping over 800
>> such attacks a day on average.  And I'm pretty much invisible except for
>> my web server, whose address I post very sparingly.
>Where to you obtain this count, I would like to check my  site.

From 'logwatch'.  But I have a link from the routers logging to my logging so 
all the rejects and drops show up in my log, making it very large indeed by 
the time logrotate runs on sunday mornings.

As for the link, I'm not sure how its setup. I was attempting to get it to 
write to its own log via a samba share, and it wound up going to my messages 
log instead.  This is while running dd-wrt on an old slow x86 box, no drives, 
just a cf adapter on the end of an ide cable, with the dd-wrt image written to 
the flash card, a 512megger, but could be as small as a 32 meg cf card as the 
image and its nonvolatile data only uses maybe 15 megs. The logwatch format 
looks like this in the daily email it sends me:
--------------------- iptables firewall Begin ------------------------ 

 Listed by source hosts:
 Dropped 772 packets on interface ppp0
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 2 packets to icmp(8) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 2 packets to icmp(8) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 4 packets to tcp(80) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445) 
   From - 2 packets to tcp(445)

etc till its listed all of them in the last 24 hours.

Cheers, Gene
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