[Coco] [Color Computer] country blocked

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Jul 18 16:29:45 EDT 2009

On Saturday 18 July 2009, William Schaub wrote:
>Arthur Flexser wrote:
>> Which still leaves, "what on earth for?"   What do the masters of
>> those bots hope to accomplish with all these attacks?
>> Art
>My guess would be to "MAKE MONEY FAST!" by selling various "ehancement"
>products and such.  It is a truly depraved
>world we live in and somehow the net has stopped being about people
>communicating together and more about machines screaming as loudly as
>possible to each other selling things nobody wants and making the
>network unusable for real human beings.  and as the spammer's scripts
>get more sophisticated  we have to keep up with the arms race. which
>really is a shame since so much time and resources are spent fighting
>spam that little time is left for anything else.

200% correct Art. I'm on the spamassassin list, and it takes the spammers less 
than 2 hours to respond to a method to catch & /dev/null their messages.  Of 
course they are subscribed, what better place to find the info they need to 
defeat our efforts to stop them.

Personally, I'm in favor of a few public be-headings, displayed right on the 
front fence of the SCOTUS building.

Cheers, Gene
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