[Coco] CoCoNet status

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue Feb 10 12:37:43 EST 2009

On Tuesday 10 February 2009, Shain Klammer wrote:
>I would tend to agree - I even appreciate the older definition of "hacker"
>I applaud the implementation of 'self-updating' - just curious, are you
>doing this by running the 'update' code from the PC "server", loading into
>Coco RAM space (and then running it) or onto some battery backed RAM on your
>Ewww, 'virtual memory' - how about 'virtual devices'?  A prime example would
>be the redirection of the bit-banger for printer routines?  This could be
>problematic for apps outside of Disk BASIC's LPRINT, LLIST (unless Roger's
>cart traps/re-directs all Coco bit-banger I/O and have its' own on the
>cart?!?!); but, the PC "server" could translate DMP-105 and/or Epson
>EX/LX/MX escape sequences.  This might be useful even if it only handled
>straight text.

I am doing exactly that with this linux box Tom. 
From the bitbanger -> serial->usb adapter, usb repeater cable plugged into a 
hub here, a script watching /dev/ttyUSBwhatever it is, when the data quits 
coming in, wait a couple seconds, and feed it back out through the printer 
profile of choice using lpd.  This allows me to scale the coco's output down 
slightly in size to make the coco's idea of a page fit nicely on the printer 
with enforced borders as most ink squirters are.

I even posted some bash scripts here that could probably do that for anyone 
with bash & the usual ghostscript and friends (cups) installed.  So in my 
case, getting one of Rogers kits would probably destroy my ability to print 
from the coco.  But I'm still curious.

>Looking forward to owning one of these...
Me too.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
The attacker must vanquish; the defender need only survive.

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