[Coco] CoCoList and the Web, was Re: CoCoList Survey on email but no web browser access CoCo users .

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Thu Apr 23 22:47:46 EDT 2009

On Thursday 23 April 2009, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>Rumor has it that Gene Heskett may have mentioned these words:
>>[[ snipppage of mail handling "features" ]]
>Offtopically, that's why I like Linux; you want something small & lite,
>take a month & compile it yourself (like your recipes); want something easy
>& slow, download the latest Ubuntu (which, BTW, is out today... 9.04,
>woohoo!) stick in the disk, reboot & it's easier than winders.
>Close to what you said, my Eudora 5.0 install still has email in it from
>'98, and a list of filters as long as my arm (admittedly, prolly 1/2 of
>which are now unused.) That said, I really do need to do something similar
>to your setup & have the server already; after neglecting my email for far
>too long (having 3 days off in as many months) even at T1 speeds
>downloading 20K messages took *way too long* - and I would like to speed
>that up to 100Mbit or more. ;-)
>>That doesn't describe anything I'd call convenience compared to reading
>> this mailing list already sorted into the 'coco' folder.  Using
>> convenience and webmail in the same sentence is an oxymoron comparable to
>> military intelligence.
>Hey, many of us on the list are/were in the military, and many of us are
>intelligent. (OK, maybe the _decision_ to join may not have been... I'll
>leave that up as an exercise to the reader. ;-)

Chuckle, point taken, Roger.

>As far as oxymorons, I much prefer "Microsoft Works" as that package makes
>M$ Office look spectacular! ;-)

I didn't think of that cuz I've never used either, so that too would do.

And OOo make both look a bit grubby.  What little I've needed to do along 
those lines, OOo has Just Worked(TM) for me.  I'm not terribly demanding other 
than it be stable.  Which reminds me of an email a Daughter-in-law sent me 
today, describing an office work contest between Jesus and the Devil.  After 
several hours both were still neck and neck, but the weather turned sour and a 
nearby lightning strike took out the power.  When power was restored the Devil 
was lamenting all his lost work, while Jesus was busily printing out all of 
his.  The moral of the story?

			Jesus Saves.

>Ontopically, I would have to say that as my current mail setup is not
>anywhere close to mobile (the aforementioned reworking would change that
>markedly) I would probably not "dropped off the map" so completely if there
>were a web based forum... but when I do have spare time, my participation
>would not return to what I would consider "acceptable" levels for the
>If I had the choice of permanent half-hearted participation or the
>occasional "here there be dragons, drop off the edge of the planet" hiatus,
>I'll take the latter, TYVM. Counting the number of individuals who would
>prefer the dragons ate me, I'll also leave as an exercise for others to
>ponder. ;-)

I'm not one of them Roger, never have been.

>>Simply said, this mailing list Just Works(TM).
>I agree. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
>Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Cheers, Gene
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