[Coco] bluetooth vs linux

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Apr 11 00:27:42 EDT 2009


I have managed to get Rogers bluetooth pack working here, but it took some 
rebuilding of the kernel and hacking up a script to do it.

The script

(for linux, put it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local near the bottom of the file, and use 
this to enable it:
. /whereever/you/put/it/connect2coco3
------------------snip here ------------->
echo attempting to get bt link to the coco3
echo "rfcomm release 0"
rfcomm release 0
sleep 2
ls -l /dev/rfcomm*
sleep 2
rfcomm -i 11:11:11:11:11:11 show hci0
sleep 2
echo "resetting hci0"
hciconfig reset hsi0
sleep 2
ls -l /dev/rfcomm*
sleep 2
rfcomm -i 11:11:11:11:11:11 show hci0
sleep 2
ls -l /dev/rfcomm*
sleep 2
echo "hciconfig -a"
hciconfig -a
sleep 2
ls -l /dev/rfcomm*
sleep 2
echo "rfcomm bind 0 00:0c:84:00:86:F8"
rfcomm bind 0 00:0c:84:00:86:F8
sleep 2
ls -l /dev/rfcomm*
sleep 2
#echo "rfcomm connect 0 00:0c:84:00:86:F8 1"
#rfcomm connect 0 00:0c:84:00:86:F8 1
echo this should show the cocos address
rfcomm -i 11:11:11:11:11:11 show 0
<------------to here-----------------

There are troubleshooting time delays aplenty that, once it works reliably, 
can be removed, as can the "sleep 2"s

Once you get a boot disk made with t3.dd in it, xmode the descriptor for eko=1 
bau=6, and then add to your startup file:

init /t3
shell i=/t3 &

Then from the linux box, get a terminal window open with
#> minicom -s
which will bring up minicoms configuration menus.  Choose the port setup, edit 
A to read '/dev/rfcomm0', set the speed to 9600 8 N 1, exit, save df1, and 
exit again.

If it is working, minicom won't exit, but will present a prompt.  Give it a 
return, and the coco should identify itself, and your session of minicom will 
be a remote terminal on the coco.  Minicom has automatic rz/sz support so you 
can cd to somewhere on the coco's drive, and initiate a file transfer either 

Here is a screen scrape of that screen:
Welcome to minicom 2.3

Compiled on Aug 29 2008, 07:16:49.
Port /dev/rfcomm0                 

                 Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

Shell+ v2.2a 09/04/10 00:09:47


 Directory of .  2009/04/10 00:20 
BOOTTRACK       CMDS            DEFS            HDBDOS11.DSK    MAXTOR 
MODULES         NEWBOOT         NITROS9         NOS96309        OLDCMDS
OLDDEFS         OLDSYS          PcDos.doc       PcDos.doc1      Pcdos.lzh
SYS             UTILS2          cc3go           UTILS2.tmp      dskini
dummy           gene            startyup        test.p          old-sysgo
utils2.merge-list               print-test.b09  sysgo           sysgo.asm
SRC             discscan4floppy dsave.out       startup         devel
p               ekodrvr


 ID Prnt User Pty  Age  Tsk  Status  Signal   Module    I/O Paths
___ ____ ____ ___  ___  ___  _______ __  __  _________ __________________
  1   0    0  255  255   00  sTimOut  0  00  System    <Term >Term >>Term
  2   1    0  128  131   00  s        0  00  Shell     <Term >Term >>Term
  3   2    0  128  129   00  sTSleep  0  00  SuperComm <Term >Term >>Term
  4   2    0  128  128   00  s        0  00  Shell     <t2   >t2   >>t2
  5   0    0  128  131   00  s        0  00  Shell     <W7   >W7   >>W7
  6   0    0  128  131   00  s        0  00  Shell     <W1   >W1   >>W1
  7   0    0  128  132   00  s        0  00  Shell     <W2   >W2   >>W2
  8   4    0  128  131   00  s        0  00  Shell     <t3   >t3   >>t3
  9   8    0  128  128   02  s        0  00  Proc      <t3   >t3   >>t3

{t3|08}/DD:kill 3
I was getting rid of leftovers, I'd tried to make supercomm log into this box 
and failed.

The only think missing is minicom hasn't a clue how to do the coco's gfx 
colors, so a color based proggy, or one that needs a mouse won't work.  Yet...

There will be some details to work out, mostly using xmode to reconfigure for 
the right flow controls I think.

Good luck everybody, and many thanks, Roger.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
You may be marching to the beat of a different drummer, but you're
still in the parade.

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