[Coco] Files to os9

Bruce W. Calkins brucewcalkins at charter.net
Fri Sep 26 20:50:29 EDT 2008

> It's not the display that's the problem, it's the signal.  Can't make a
> nice picture out of a crappy signal, and composite video is one of the
> worst, mostly because of the color carrier piggybacked in there.
> If you disable the color burst from the Coco, though, and go
> black/white, the display improves dramatically.
> C.

Once upon a time I was driving trucks over the road and "needed" my CoCo 
along.  I have a little 5" black and white TV that has composite input.  I 
opened it up and tweaked a few settings and got a crisp readable 80 column 
display.  Useless for watching TV, but without my glasses and putting my 
face up to that little screen I could do word processing on my CoCo on 12 
volts.  Yes I even had a disk drive running on 12 volts too.

Bruce W. 

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