[Coco] Cassette save and load problem

John T Chasteen johnchasteen.2 at juno.com
Tue Mar 4 16:36:58 EST 2008

I am trying to load cassettes programs  and am doing something wrong.
Please help.

I have a coco3, cassette cable w/3 plugs (Red and White  with plugs the
same size and a Blue wire with a smaller plug)
that can be connected to the CCR-81 Radio Shack TRS 80 Tape

The sockets on one side (from the front to rear are: MIC, REM, AUX, EAR
and DC Power.
I am trying to load the  cassette programs. On the cassette tape the
command CLOADM and EXEC is printed.

when I enter on the kybd  CLOADM, I can get the letter S on the screen
and the tape starts and then I can hear the data tones.
I never get the courser back. That is far as i can get. 

I can enter the commands manually and things.  Any help will be


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