[Coco] Copying a data/binary file from disk to cassette

Phil phil.salathe at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 22:15:05 EST 2008

Robert Gault wrote:

>If you don't want to acquire to knowledge to do this, you can 
>download from my site the program mlfinder which will do the work 
>for you.

Robert, thanks for this great little program -- I've used it to 
analyze a file that had some odd (possibly corrupt?) stuff at the end 
that was throwing me for a loop when I opened it in a hex editor.  I 
assume that "XFER" is the execution address.

And, on a related note, I assume if I'm getting multiple "LOAD:" 
addresses, that the .bin file has multiple data blocks.  Does that 
mean that outputting it via the cassette port will be impossible? 
In the case of the program I'm looking at (Marble Maze), the 
additional data block indicated is only 16 bytes long, resides right 
before the postamble, and appears to load from $009F to $00AE. 
Should this give me any hints as to its function?

Marble Maze also autostarts, which further complicates any attempts 
to CSAVEM it, though I suppose I could LOADM it into &H3000 and 
CSAVEM from there as you suggested earlier.

All the best,

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