[Coco] More progress

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 13:49:31 EST 2008

On Mon, 29 Dec 2008, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Great news Steven.  But I do have a question in re the c.prep you used as a
> model. The MicroWare version has some loose ends that Matthew tried to clean
> up when he was in college by writing a new one, and I grabbed that when the
> prof gave him an A for it, and fixed up it enough that it could build a
> working rzsz-3.24 and on thru 3.36, the last version I uploaded.
> The original c.prep will not output code that can be built, or will crash if
> it does, if the total size of the src files exceeds about 11k.  My last pass
> at a c.prep, called cprep19, handled the nominally 36k rzsz srcs just fine.
> The original c.prep ran out of buffer space silently and forgot variable
> names when it ran out, which appeared to be happening if its output was
> inspected.

Well, we're in luck, then!  The sources came with 'cprep19' :-).



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