[Coco] [Color Computer] navydave01 on eBay

Rogelio Perea os9dude at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 17:28:54 EDT 2007

Thanks for the clarification Roger...

Wow, disks look well preserved. I have a few of those and up to this day
they still work flawlessly. I am actually surprised on the longevity of the
best brands of 5.25" disks, don't think anyone expected them to survive
almost two decades after the CoCo 3 last saw print in Radio Shack's

-=[ Rogelio ]=-

On 9/6/07, Roger Merchberger <zmerch-coco at 30below.com> wrote:

Rumor has it that Rogelio Perea may have mentioned these words:
> >Don't know... found his profile as:
> >
> >http://myworld.ebay.com/navydave01
> >
> >The auction you noted has been taken down... no hint as to what was it
> >about.
> No it wasn't - there was a spurious '3D' in front of the auction number...
> remove it and you'll see the auction is for a collection of Rainbow on
> Disks.
> From the auction:
> """ Vintage TRS-80 Color Computer Rainbow Magazine on disk collection.
> Includes 11/86, 12/86, 1/87, 2/87, 3/87, 4/87, 5/87, 6/87, 7/87, 8/87,
> 2/88, 5/88. """
> Only 1 hour 50 minutes as of this writing.
> A working link is here:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300146559815

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