[Coco] Very OT - Dialects: WAS Re: Mary, what's a Hoosier? :)

Jim Cox jimcox at miba51.com
Sun Mar 11 15:38:19 EDT 2007

On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:12:24 -0500
  Roger Taylor <operator at coco3.com> wrote:
> You mean, border?  :)  I can never get over how 
>different areas insist on pronouncing words different 
>than areas they consider less intelligent.  I moved to 
>Texas and expected to hear the common Texas twang but 
>people here in East Texas for crying out loud are pushing 
>some kind of northern accent on words like "on", which 
>sounds like "AH-N" instead of "OH-N".  Even the men make 
>it sound like the female version, "AH-N" which kills me 
>even today.  50% of the people say "OH-N" but the other 
>just can't seem to do it.
> I think as long as people move around the country and 
>carry their dialect with them that you'll never know or 
>hear the right way as pronounced in the dictionaries. 
> Some folks even go out of their way to make sure they DO 
>NOT pronounce common words like their opposites do.  And 
>now you're getting a tremendous, and I mean unusual, 
>mixture of Spanish/Mexican terms being mixed into the 
>English language, especially in Texas.
> Kiss the English language good bye.  It's gone. 
> Bye-bye.  Glad you could stop and visit.  Poor Webster 
>has his work cut out for him today.  :)
> -- 
> Roger Taylor

Whoa Dude, like I didn't spell "border" right?  Sorry 
Dude, but I was in the morning Dude.  Maybe it's a West 
coast thing, Dude.  Didn't mean to get you all stressed 
Dude!  You just need to chill Dude :)

OK enough with the phony Cali dialect.  Honestly Roger, I 
wasn't awake yet and freaking misspelled "border" wrong. 
It wasn't meant to start another Civil War :)

Actually I like listening to different American and 
Canadian dialects.  For instance the Washington dialect is 
way different than Californian dialect (We don't put "the" 
in front of every Freeway ID such as  "the I-5" and so on) 
and a Western Canadians accent is way different than a 

I can usually tell a Texas accent from other Southern 
accents and I am quite certain that my accent will sound 
funny to a lot of you.  I say "intresting" instead of 
"interesting" and "Washington" instead of "Warshington." 

Also, you may want to account that some of us may do most 
of our email though a webmail client that may not have a 
spell checker.  Once I update to Firefox 2.x, then I will 
use the spell cheker that comes with it.

Cheers Dude!


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