[Coco] Keeping current... ????

Dan Olson dano at agora.rdrop.com
Mon Feb 26 23:17:24 EST 2007

> Chuckle, I could see that one coming. :-)  But I think it probably
> appropriate to consider that the coco hasn't been made in 18 years now,
> but that the hardware *most* linux runs on is in current production.  I
> think it goes without saying that one is expected to keep his hardware
> for his main machines at a level that isn't too far out of date.

I, for one, like to tinker with computers, but just don't have the 
time/energy to fool with hardware and software upgrades all the time.  I 
used an old dual Pentium for about 7 years until about a year ago. 
There's always something that that causes me trouble.  I installed Debian 
on the new system and FTP and Telnet are blocked by default.  While that's 
a good thing for the most part, I have other old computers that I'd like 
to use w/ this one, it's firewalled from the outside world, and still 
haven't figured out how to enable them.  I always liked FVWM2 as a simple 
and functional window manager, but seem to be stuck unless I go through a 
lot of trouble to get it going.

> Like if AMC was still making cars, wouldn't you have one in the drive that
> hasn't started to rust out yet?

A new AMC would probably just be a boring econo-box (actually it'd 
probably be a Jeep SUV), I'll keep my '75 Gremlin going a little longer :)

> $340 a copy.  My '88 Nissan Pathfinder 4WD pickup has glass headlights
> with replaceable lamps in them, and it still has the best headlights of
> anything in the driveway today, including the fresh headlamp assemblies
> in that 99 GMC.

I love having replacable headlamps too, not only do they work great, they 
don't cost any more to replace than the bulb in the newer assemblies.

> I still don't understand why the car driving public hasn't long since
> brought a class action suit against the automakers, sueing for free, all
> glass headlights replacements that don't scratch up, get foggy and yellow
> with age.  These old yellowed plastic things are a hazard on the road at
> night for the driver, and for everyone around him.

While I haven't had one apart, it looks like some vehicles (Xterra, Jeep) 
use standard round headlights, or something close.  Maybe others will 


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