[Coco] How do I make a new stdfonts file?

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Mon Feb 12 21:40:00 EST 2007

Leon Howell wrote:
> I have a font editor and a bunch of fonts, but how do I merge fonts into a new 
> stdfonts file for Multi-Vue, what fonts are required, and in what order?

 From the Multi-Vue manual:

Font Selection
  #include <buffs.h>

  int path,grpnum,bufnum;


Specifies the get/put buffer from which to get font data for generating 
graphics text. The OS-9 system comes with three standard fonts: an 8x8 
font, a 6x8 font, and an 8x8 graphics font. The standard fonts are 
defined in the Buffs.h header file. The default is GRP_FNT_S8X8.

Parameters are:
  path = OS-9 path number for the window
  prpnum = group number of the window
  bufnum = buffer number



/* buffer group numbers */
#define GRP_FONT 200
#define GRP_CLIP 201
#define GRP_PTR 202
#define GRP_PAT2 203
#define GRP_PAT4 204
#define GRP_PAT6 205

/* font buffers */
#define FNT_S8X8 1
#define FNT_S6X8 2
#define FNT_G8X8 3

/* mouse pointer buffers */
#define PTR_ARR 1
#define PTR_PEN 2
#define PTR_LCH 3
#define PTR_SLP 4
#define PTR_ILL 5
#define PTR_TXT 6
#define PTR_SCH 7

/* pattern buffers */
#define PAT_SLD 0
#define PAT_DOT 1
#define PAT_VRT 2
#define PAT_HRZ 3
#define PAT_XHTC 4
#define PAT_LSNT 5
#define PAT_RSNT 6
#define PAT_SDOT 7
#define PAT_BDOT 8

The above is for stock OS-9. There may be and probably are some changes 
if using the distribution from www.nitros9.org. The data from the 
Multi-Vue manual expects that changes of this type will be made using 
programs written in C. That means you will need the OS-9 C language package.

So, depending on your stock of programs and expertise, you may or may 
not be able to get there from here. However, if you do create a new font 
file, you would store it in the SYS directory and merge it from a window 
before starting Multi-Vue with the command
merge sys/newfonts
or whatever you chose to call the new font file.

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