[Coco] Homebrew 512K upgrade text

Travis Poppe tlp at LiquidX.org
Sat Sep 30 06:01:33 EDT 2006

On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 03:46:30AM -0600, Travis Poppe wrote:
> I recall seeing at one time a text file describing how to build your own
> 512K upgrade for the CoCo 3 using SIMM chips (or something). Not so long
> ago, I scoured the web in search for this file only to turn up nothing.
> I believe it was written by Marty Goodman, and I think it could once be
> found at this URL: http://www.cadigital.com/features/up512k.html
> Do any of you have a copy of this document and, if so, would you mind
> posting it somewhere? 

For whatever reason, it occurred to me moments after posting this that
the original document probably got posted to Usenet at one point in
time; sure enough, it had! I've answered my own question using 
Google Groups and will provide a URL to the document below. :-)


Travis Poppe                              |   ASCII Ribbon            /"\
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