[Coco] OS9 term

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jun 25 22:49:18 EDT 2006

Chester Patterson wrote:
> As I'm just getting back into all this after so many years... Would someone
> explain to me the different OS9 TERM options (Coco2 compatible 32 column,
> Level 2 /w - /w7 compatible, Multivies) what works with what and perhaps
> more imoprtant, what doesn't work with what, or point me to where I can get
> docs about. Thanks.
> When I boot up from disk, everything loads from floppy but the shell and
> startup are loaded from /H0, and I haven't patched anything yet! And I get a
> 40 column VDG display, I don't know why.
> Thanks.
> /Chester
> Costa Rica

Strictly speaking, /term is just the screen that starts during the boot 
process. This /term can be a low res 32 column screen (vdg) or a high 
res 40 or 80 column screen (window). The number of windows are not 
limited to /w0-/w7 but instead are limited by the amount of memory 

To quote from Multi-Vue (which adds more windows descriptors) "If you 
have 512K bytes of memory ... GShell will allow the creation of 8 to 13 
windows." Since NitrOS-9 can make use of 2Megs memory, even more windows 
can be opened.

OS-9 Level I was limited to a 32 column text screen and several types of 
graphics screens. Level I version 2.00 added an 80 column text screen. 
OS-9 Level II introduced the /w# windows which could be text only or 
text+graphics. The Level I graphics screens were analogous to PMODE 
screens in that there is no built-in text capability. Level II 
text+graphics windows are analogous to the Coco3 graphics screens which 
can HPRINT text.

What makes the Level II windows different from anything available in 
Coco3 Basic, is that windows can be any size and several can be on 
screen at the same time.

Much more information is available in the various OS-9 owner's manuals 
which I assume you do not have. Details of the windowing system can be 
found at 
There probably are more sources on the Internet if you search. You could 
also try http://www.rtsi.com/ftparchive.html in the OS-9 6x09 directory.

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