[Coco] ADOS3 (was: drive hastles

Roger Merchberger zmerch-coco at 30below.com
Mon Jun 5 16:23:16 EDT 2006

Rumor has it that Arthur Flexser may have mentioned these words:
>Fine by me, Roger.  (What's LART?)

LART == Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
           a.k.a. 2x4, baseball bat, brick to the head... ;-)

>   I do have copies, but locating them is the problem....

I understand that problem well... I'm still trying to find stuff packed 2 
houses ago!

Anyway, if anything ADOS stumbles my way, I'll host it, burn it, archive 
it, whatever necessary.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Bugs of a feather flock together."
sysadmin, Iceberg Computers |           Russell Nelson
zmerch at 30below.com          |

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