[Coco] Re: Re: Questions about the 502 controller vs the Disto SCII

Warren Hoslet dermunda at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 26 13:09:13 EDT 2006

>>I did have no halt setup when I had my multipak and B&B harddrive  
>>setup. Mr. Gault helped me with that. :)
>>How would it help playing Kings Quest? I saw its benefits while
>>multitasking, but if your just playing a game how would it help?
>    Keyboard type ahead works even when the game is loading the next  
>picture/map, etc. With a halting controller, all key presses during drive  
>access are lost.

How is ho-halt implemented by the SCII? Does it perform disk I/O from a 
buffer on the controller card without requiring the 6809 to handle the 
timing-critical task. If the 6809 has to do the work I would think that it 
would still have to mask interrupts which would prevent keyboard type-ahead. 
Since I have no technical knowledge of the SCII, I'm just speculating.

- Warren

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