[Coco] [Color Computer] Trs-80 Color Computer Pokes of Interest.

James Cherry wazloriancoco at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 28 18:03:56 EST 2006

Here are a few pokes as much as I feel like a magicuser/theif  its going
to make them mad again but here is the pretty screen to seen below.

  [http://www.coco3.com/img/pag_greenUL.gif]   CoCo 3 POKES 
[http://www.coco3.com/img/border_urgrn2.gif]           Fix the HDRAW bug
POKE 62861,189:POKE 62862,244  Fix the RGB and BMP commands POKE
&HE649,&H10  Prevent a WIDTH command from clearing
the screen POKE &HF670,18:POKE &HF671,18  Set the 16 palette registers.
Values range from 0 to 63. &HFFB0 to &HFFBF  Control the cursor blink
rate in the 40/80 screen. The
default is 11. 0=fast, 255=slow POKE 63372,x  Stop the cursor blinking
in 40/80 screens POKE 63381,0  Start the cursor blinking again POKE
63381,1  x is from 0 to 255, it sets the shape of the cursor in 40/80
screens POKE &HF7A3,x  Storage of the default CMP palette values &HE654
to &HE663  Storage of the default RGB palette values &HE664 to &HE673 
Storage of current palette values &HE674 to &HE687  Set the width 32
foreground color POKE &HFFBC,x
Set the width 32 background color POKE &HFFBD,x  1.8mhz speed POKE for
the CoCo 3 (no effect with emulator) POKE 65497,0
Normal speed POKE (.89mhz) for CoCo 3 POKE 65496,0  Disable the
automatic clearing of the
HSCREEN. POKE &HE6C6,33  location of data for the HPRINT character set
(8 bytes per
character, 96 characters). &HF09D to &HF39C  8k block number for
the default is &H74 &HE0D4,&HE3A3, &HE50B   Change the HPAINT
command to paint a variety of patterns. x is from 0 to 255. POKE
&HE79B,196:POKE &HE79C,x
Defaults for the HPAINT command POKE &HE79B,212:POKE &HE79C,181  x is
the column spacing you want (20,40,80,etc.) POKE &HFE04,x  x is from 0
to 255, controls the "blink" attribute blink rate
POKE &HFF94,x  Default "blink" attribute blink rate POKE &HFF94,126  x
is from 0 to 255. Default is 32. When you CLS on a 40/80
screen, this is the ASCII of the character used to clear the screen.
POKE &Hf697,x  End address of an ML program PEEK(126)*256+PEEK(127) 
EXEC address of the program PEEK(157)*256+PEEK(158)  Start address of an
ML program PEEK(487)*256+PEEK(488)  x is from 0 to 255. Default is 32.
When you CLS on a 40/80
screen, this is the ASCII of the character used to clear the screen.
POKE &Hf697,x  See what the WIDTH is (0=32, 1=40, 2=80) PEEK(&H00E7)

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