[Coco] CoCo bitbanger does 115200 bps !

George's Coco Address yahoo at dvdplayersonly.com
Wed Apr 5 00:41:33 EDT 2006

I'm a bit ignorant about just how fast the coco can process data. So, please 
be kind to me when I present my thoughts on this..

If we were to process 115,200 bits per second through the bitbanger port, 
how many clock cycles and instructions per bit, would this require?
I pushed this into my calculator and found that each bit from the bitbanger 
port takes about fifteen and a half clock cycles per bit when the coco is 
running at 1.78mhz. Machine code instructions take several clock cycles. 
Don't ask me how many, but I know it isn't one per cycle.

 That being asked, does a "stock" coco at 1.78mhz have time to do this and 
still be able to store data onto a storage device? Or is this just 
displaying it to the VDG generator?

 Can this be useable?

 If so, I bet when other folks jump in and expand on it, this could be a 
winfall for OS-9.

 Yew betcha, good buddy!

 Imagine what it could do with a high speed ACIA chip that can handle higher 
 Imagine what it could do on a hard disk!! Or graphics!!

 I'm stupid, but I had to toss this out.


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